Buurtgezinnen Amsterdam-Centrum is looking for a warm supporting family to occasionally take this boy under their wing!

This young lad touches your heart. With a gentle gaze and sweet eyes, he looks up from his video. At his own pace, he cautiously approaches to make contact. He presents himself modestly, but the sparkle in his eyes reveals his desire for more from life.

The home situation is currently very challenging! His mother has long-COVID and has been bedridden for a year. His father is solely responsible and gives everything he has to provide his children with the best opportunities in the world. The warm, welcoming smile of the father conceals his immense burden and fatigue. Despite facing many hardships in life, he continues to hold onto hope for better times. A courageous man who truly wishes his son to experience more outdoor activities and find more joy.

This 4-year-old boy often spends time at home in front of the television or plays alone. He can entertain himself and asks little. What we all deeply wish for him is a warm place where he can grow and be surrounded by companionship. He is being raised in four languages and primarily speaks English. He also has an older brother who is attending high school.


Supporting Family Profile

We are seeking a family in Amsterdam-Center (Haarlemmerbuurt): 

  • Where the boy can play one day every week or every other week on weekends; 
  • That is loving and caring and exposes him to new experiences;
  • With children he can play with or a supportive aunt who is dedicated entirely to him;
  • That speaks either English or Dutch.

About Buurtgezinnen
Our motto is: it takes a village to raise a child. Families – who can use some form of support in raising the children, are matched with a warm and stable family in the neighborhood. This way, children receive some extra love and attention, and parents experience some relief.”

If you would like more information?

You can contact Maaike Poppegaai, coordinator for Buurtgezinnen Amsterdam-Center, via phone at 06-30946004, or e-mail:  maaikepoppegaai@buurtgezinnen.nl. You can also sign up directly as a supporting family on this website.

Over Buurtgezinnen

Onder het motto ‘Opvoeden doen we samen’, koppelt Buurtgezinnen gezinnen die steun kunnen gebruiken aan een stabiel gezin in de buurt. Zo krijgen kinderen wat extra liefde en aandacht en worden ouders ontlast.